ahilik,ahi,ahi evran,islam,aşıkpaşa,kırşehir,ahmedi gülşehri,selçuklu,osmanlı,insan,güzel ahlak


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AHİLİK (AKHISM) targets HUMAN, very different from Protestan ethics of the Germans (saying “the person who produces quality goods will be a good slave to Allah”) and the principle of the Japanese (“working to death”) and it tries to create a SERVİCE CLIMATE, with all the people that will be pleased along the lines of a justice, based on Islamic ethics.

They worked saying “Allah”. All the Ahi (Akhi) organizations should be united in a single parent organization. Ethics can not be the virtue of only the shopkeepers and the poor. Large businesses and the wealthy must also go into the scope of the Akhism. Chambers of business are following the method of closing bad cases rather than the method of cutting them off. This is very inconvenient. People in each neighborhood should form a foundation to feed their poorest people there. The state should provide financial support according to the number of active members, the amount of work done and the scientific products produced.

Small organizations should be protected, large enterprises should be encouraged to give jobs to small-and-midium-size enterprises rather than combined production, the merchants should be encouraged to run rayons in supermarkets. All the moral principles sould be reformatted to be used effectively. The names of bridges, roads and apartment buildings should be the names evoking the good moral. In schools, the Akhi Branch should be established and selection of Akhi students should be plentiful.

Mevlana (Iran, seyru sülüki enfüsi) Sect Practice makes people go away from work, drives them into fallacies and can create psychological problems, listening to themselves. Ahi Evran Application (Turkmen, seyru sülüki afaki) aims to go to the writer from the written looking at the appearant structure of the universe, it is extroverted and it is based on the work purposes.

This method is most effective formula for the development of this country. The name of a city sould be “Akhi” so that everyone should pronunce the name very often.

This city should be Kırşehir and we offer that the name of the city should be AHİ KIRŞEHİR. An Akhi foundation to be established can make a standard practice such as Halal Food practice in the market. This should consist of the combination of several elements, from the quality to the price and from the price to the worker’s wage.

Zoning conditions of cities shall not exceed 25% of the construction areas. Single-storey straight home building should be encouraged. The Akhi lived straight houses with gardens. Block structures should be avoided. The size of a parcel shall not be less than 1000 meters. The distance of houses sould be away from each other and the windows of the houses should not see each other as much as possible.

The closeness of the distance between homes is the most dangerous bulding structure, breaking down the privacy. The sound of the sewage pipe above is breaking the shame of a person hearing this. The religion is based on the sense of shame. The Hadith says “Expect everything once the shame is broken”. To us, Akhism is an economic system. It is an alternative to second-class citizens, and slavery in history, it is also an alternative today to communism (insisting on production-sharing but ignoring production) and capitalism (idolizing production and investment but neglecting sharing). It is a development model.

Corporations and limited liability companies are not suitable for the Islam and the Akhism because they have limited liability. However, if the partners write “we are unlimited responsible” in their contracts or invoices, it will be a confidence-building application. When the Akhism becomes a brand, the Akhi medallion can be given to all the partners who have a share of at least 10%. There is an advertising ban in the Akhism. Advertising should be banned because it drives people to buy merchandise and its excessive repetition makes conditioning.

AHİ brand should be given to IHH and similar institutions. AKHI BUSINESS must be a brand. In the Akhism, an apprentice’ error is known by his master. This means that the master is graded. If you apply this to the education, you will understand that the teacher should be graded by his students. The teaching method (teaching by examples) in the Akhism, the method what Americans call “case study”, should also be used in education (like explaining the Quran with examples).

ahi kul ahmed

AHİLİK (AKHISM) ile Benzer Yazılar:

10 Eylül 2011 Saat : 3:22

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